Learn to Swim Summer Program

Swim lessons are available to NSJ members only.

Swim lessons are provided by our team of NSJ lifeguards in a private and small-group format throughout the summer. To register your child, please complete the below registration form. You may choose to register your child at any point during the summer.

Julia Cargiulo, NSJ’s Swim Lessons Coordinator, will review your information, assess your child’s needs, and then pair your child(ren) with an instructor. All NSJ guards providing swim lessons are fully trained in swim instruction and CPR.

Once the initial introduction is made, the specifics of the lessons – time, day, frequency, etc. – will be up to you and your instructor.  NSJ has structured swim lessons in this way to provide members with the most flexibility and instructors the opportunity to focus on the specific needs of each child. We do ask that both guards and families do their best to stick to the same day/time each week.

We want to help all children become stronger swimmers and more confident in the water!

Private Lessons:

  • $25 for 25 minutes with an experienced instructor (has been teaching lessons for 2+ years)
  • $20 for 25 minutes with a new instructor

Small-Group Lessons:

  • For group lessons, the time, compensation, and number of children in the lesson will be determined between you and the guard providing the lesson.

Please send all questions to: nsjswimlesson@gmail.com

Note: Please complete the registration form for EACH child participating in lessons.